Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Symbolic object

The object I chose to represent my company is a spinning top. In the movie Inception, the main actor uses a spinning top to know whether he is dreaming (the object would be spinning indefinitely) or awake in the real world (the object would not spin). So here are the reasons why I choose the spinning top:

1. My company would be a dream I want to undertake.

2. In order for a business to be successful, I believe one needs both to be serious (reality) and have imagination (dream). 

3. Everything is about balance: once you spin the object, you know it will fall at some point. Therefore, you need to make it balance again, to spin it again. This is a metaphor for my business; if the business has a fail or a mistake is made (it 'falls'), I need to change what is wrong, to improve it (make it 'spin' again). Failures are not alway bad; they can actually enhance the business. By constantly finding solutions to problems, the business will grow stronger and more effective.If the business (the spinning top) 'falls', it is ok because bad experiences happen, not everything in the company is always going to go 100% ok.

Picture below taken during a holiday in Portugal two years ago. I got this spinning top (replica of the one used in Inception) as a birthday present. Crazy how everything is meant to be, I would never had thought I would use it as a symbol for my company years later!

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